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The Foursome (not posted on IG)

The foursome: He wanted to have dinner at the Rainbow at five-fucking-thirty. The Rainbow’s a ghost town that early. What’s the point of showing it off to out-of-towners in that state? I changed the reservation to the place that’s kitty corner to Book Soup. 6:30 p.m. was the compromise. I hate eating that early with him but he likes the fucking to start as early as possible, plus, he has to make the wife calls—from the hotel room is best. I like when he has people with him. Makes it easier for me to be late. I told him to go the restaurant early, “It’s a bar, I’ll meet you guys there.” He hates hearing this. His dream is for me to arrive at his hotel at 3 p.m. but that dream can kiss my grits.

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